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Down East Magazine, October 2023

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He’s Been Thinking

Philosopher Daniel Dennett has written more than a dozen influential books, but his new one is in an unfamiliar genre: memoir. We visited his place on Eggemoggin Reach for a porch chat about consciousness, AI, farm implements, and Maine as a lifelong refuge.
By Rachel Slade

A Quartet at the Bridge

After a tumultuous few years, one of Maine’s most renowned chamber-music ensembles plays a transition.
By Douglas Rooks

When Blue Hill Turns Gold

As autumn descends, Maine’s most charmingly bucolic peninsula adopts a lavish palette of bronze, amber, and rust.
Photographed by Dave Waddell.


North by East

Almost 90, artist Alison Hildreth is everywhere all at once. For a local weatherman, there’s always a chance of giant pumpkins. The world’s largest revolving globe, Eartha turns 25 (and turns and turns). Plus, in Maine Dispatches, a whole neighborhood gets fleeced.

Food and Drink

The Maine Heritage Orchard grows a pear, Bolognese meets Benjamin Franklin at Lincolnville’s Astor & Rose, and artful cakes bloom in Cumberland.

Good Things from Maine

Vintage materials inspire a Topsham outerwear designer with an outdoorsy uncle, dolls don animal masks for a Portland craft exhibit, and small-scale artisans go big in Bangor.

Maine Homes

A couple leans into retro vibes in their Portland ranch, an Auburn homeowner gets spooky in her Gothic Revival, and a Patten preservationist is a historic church’s salvation.


Where in Maine

Maine Moment


Editor’s note, responses to August’s Where in Maine, the masthead, and more.


My Maine, Room With a View. 

My Favorite Place

Children’s-book author Peter Brown, on Bristol’s La Verna Preserve.


On Our Cover

The Jud Hartmann Gallery, in Blue Hill, by Dave Waddell.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Wonderful articles

Loved the article on the DeLorme Globe. It’s too bad it took so long for your magazine to write an article about this great Maine treasure. Better late than never I suppose.

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