Down East Magazine, October 2023
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He’s Been Thinking
Philosopher Daniel Dennett has written more than a dozen influential books, but his new one is in an unfamiliar genre: memoir. We visited his place on Eggemoggin Reach for a porch chat about consciousness, AI, farm implements, and Maine as a lifelong refuge.
By Rachel Slade
A Quartet at the Bridge
After a tumultuous few years, one of Maine’s most renowned chamber-music ensembles plays a transition.
By Douglas Rooks
When Blue Hill Turns Gold
As autumn descends, Maine’s most charmingly bucolic peninsula adopts a lavish palette of bronze, amber, and rust.
Photographed by Dave Waddell.
North by East
Almost 90, artist Alison Hildreth is everywhere all at once. For a local weatherman, there’s always a chance of giant pumpkins. The world’s largest revolving globe, Eartha turns 25 (and turns and turns). Plus, in Maine Dispatches, a whole neighborhood gets fleeced.
Food and Drink
The Maine Heritage Orchard grows a pear, Bolognese meets Benjamin Franklin at Lincolnville’s Astor & Rose, and artful cakes bloom in Cumberland.
Good Things from Maine
Vintage materials inspire a Topsham outerwear designer with an outdoorsy uncle, dolls don animal masks for a Portland craft exhibit, and small-scale artisans go big in Bangor.
Maine Homes
A couple leans into retro vibes in their Portland ranch, an Auburn homeowner gets spooky in her Gothic Revival, and a Patten preservationist is a historic church’s salvation.
Where in Maine
Maine Moment
Editor’s note, responses to August’s Where in Maine, the masthead, and more.
My Maine, Room With a View.
My Favorite Place
Children’s-book author Peter Brown, on Bristol’s La Verna Preserve.
On Our Cover
The Jud Hartmann Gallery, in Blue Hill, by Dave Waddell.